Saturday 27 September 2014

Bed Rest

Sorry we've not been around much for the past few days, Seems I got a little carried away celebrating my birthday and hurt my front wrist "Ouch"
So I've been on bed rest to help the swelling go down.
Woof Willow

Monday 15 September 2014

Moist Meaty Wagg Chunks... Yummy.

I had the best birthday tea ever !!!
Thank you to Wagg dog foods,who sent me a bag of their new moist meaty chunks food to try, which is out in Asda stores today.

I have to say me & all of my doggy family absolutely  
 LOVED it !!!!! and we wanted seconds (and thirds too!!).
Even Frayer was able to eat it with her tiny mouth & missing teeth.The chunks are soft so you can break it into smaller pieces, As soon has mummy opened the bag you could smell the meaty chunks. I couldn't wait for her to pop it in my bowl so I stuck my head in the bag and helped myself, well it was my birthday!!!
Mummy's promised we can have more of this !!!!
* yum yum *
 Anymore going ?

Check out their new moist meaty beef chunks, which also  come in chicken, We tried the beef ones.
*Yummy* *drooling* *Wooftastic*

check out Wagg's website



Saturday 13 September 2014

Luxury Dog Toy by Green & Wild

Anyone who's dog hasn't tried the Luxury Dog Toy from Green & Wild's incorporating Antler Dog Chews

They  should they are Pawsome!!!!
 I've not stopped playing with mine.!!!!!
Green & Wild Luxury eco range of toys are made from suede split leather. The toys are twin stitched over a double layer of leather, over four layers of jute and then filled with cotton jute rope and waste cotton. Natural and Eco friendly
 Woof Willow

Thursday 11 September 2014

Birthday Thankyou

 I've had the best birthday ever Lots of my favourite yummy's which I have shared with all the other dogs except for my Antler chew & my Antler dog chew they are  all mine BOL...

I would like to thank the following people for my birthday cards they are awesome.....
Erica, Riz, Boy from all things Doggy 
(me with my All Things Doggy Card )

(pics of me with my Green & Wild goodies)
All the people at Green & Wild's incorporating Antler Dog Chews for my personalised card & yums.
I'm over the moon & you know me so well,

I will be starting on them ASAP. I will share with the other dogs but the toy & antler are all mine BOL
(me with my Woof Wallet)
I would also like to thank Amanda from PuddyPooch for my Woof Wallet I Wuf It .
 And I would also like to thank all my friends on Facebook , twitter, instagram for all my Birthday Wishes
They are pawsome I cant believe I have so many friends
Many thanks for making my Birthday Superb
Woof Willow



More pictures to follow once I've opened everything

Birthday Celebrations

Celebrating my 6th Birthday with one of my favourite treats
An antler chew  from Green & Wild's incorporating Antler Dog Chews.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my co blogger Willow
I remember the day you were born.
You were very tiny and weak, just look at you now.
Have a great day & share your treats with me
Love Frayer
This is me singing Happy Birthday to Willow BOL

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Frayer Looking Pawsome

Morning all,
Do you remember I told you about my exciting news?
 Glass Pet Portraits had chosen me to be one of their new models for their engravings exhibition.
Yesterday they sent us some pictures of the early stages of my engraving and I have to say
I look pawsome I cant wait to see the finished piece.

Woof Frayer
Please check out Glass Pet Portraits to see their superb work. You will not be disappointed.


2 more sleeps

 I'm so excited for Thursday !!!!!!
I'm going to be 6 yrs old ,I've been snooping to see if I can find my presents but mummy's put them up very high.
Woof Willow