Thursday 11 April 2013

Please HELP me raise awareness- BAN puppy farming

Help Raise Awareness of Pup Aid & Ban Puppy Farming! (9th Apr 2013)
In this post we want to help raise awareness of Puppy Farming and the heart break it can cause. Unfortunately, many people don’t realise just how important it is to do research before buying a puppy and that by not doing so, can unknowingly purchase a dog from a puppy farmer.  Here, vet Marc Abraham talks about puppy farming and his advice when looking for a new addition to the family.
TV and fulltime vet, animal welfare campaigner and founder of Pup Aid, Marc Abraham spends much of his time fighting against puppy farming. The horrific practice of mass producing puppies to sell online happens day in day out, with puppies being sold through private dealers, free newspaper adverts, pet shops and garden centres. Here Marc explains what you can do to avoid being part of this increasing trend.
Breeding bitches are imprisoned in disused derelict agricultural blocks and kept alive in squalid conditions purely just to breed more litters on every heat. These battery farmed dogs can produce on average 20 pups a year – all sold for as much profit as possible.
Pups are removed from their mum too early, transported across the UK, then bought by well-meaning unsuspecting members of the public who are then presented with a diseased un socialised ‘time bomb’ of a tiny little fluff ball that usually either dies (e.g. from killer parvovirus) or requires hundreds – sometimes thousands – of pounds worth of treatment to save.
Puppy farming is hard to police so the only way to curb this evil industry is to stop the demand by educating people to stop buying these poorly pups in the first place; and instead choose a rescue dog or responsibly bred pup instead.
the above statement was Kindly shared by 

Please help me raise awareness of
Pup Aid & Ban puppy farming.
for more information check out Pup aids website & Twitter page
visit or twitter @pupaid
Lots of love Willow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good Work Willow